Tuesday, February 15, 2005

currently listening to: classic rock. wailin'.

ohhhhhh please please please please please!!!!

what i want more than EVER is a freaking HOCKEY GAME to watch! :\
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

currently listening to: ani difranco | napoleon (live)

MAN i love this song. totally forgot about it. i love unearthing hidden gems like these when my playlist just goes random. its fab.

about to work on the presentation, thought i'd drop by here and say hi.


had a fabulous weekend. looking forward to going home this weekend. actually looking forward to getting dressed up for friday too (i figure i should look hott for my presentation!)

dear msn,

quit jerking around and work already. you're annoying everyone.


this week im a giant loser, just working on my presentation. it'll be all done friday. can't wait! i thought about seeing if i could put it off a week, but then i'd have to do it while my prof was there, and well, this is a better idea. haha.

i really want to play some guitar right now. ani always does that to me. sigh.

time for work, i guess. not much else to say as of late, kids. mostly because im no fun because of this presentation. but that will change. oh, that will change. drastically. next week. :)
Friday, February 04, 2005

currently listening to: the mars volta | the widow

quite result
Quiet Girl

What kind of little girl were YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

i actually think this is pretty true, but im not sure because people usually see me differently than i see myself.
Thursday, February 03, 2005

cutest baby ever.

jalyn playing the piano. she's being held by my sister, and when you hold her just above the keys, she hits them with her feet (she's into kicking right now) and she mashes the keys. SO CUTE. she looks around for approval and then when you laugh she stops and looks coz she wants to know whats going on!

truly her father's daughter, thats for sure. she just loves putting a beer bottle into her mouth and holding onto it.

my brother-in-law holding the baby. so cute. someday, it'll be his own! hahaha.

oh man. she's the cutest kid EVER.

that kind of girl

The current mood of mel at imood.com